BOWLZILLA™ is the long history and ripping future of bowl skating and an ever developing competition and festival series of stoke! Skating, fun and celebration are the reason and the all of what BOWLZILLA™ is.

Skaters like Tony Alva and Jay Adams popularised backyard pool skating in the magazines back in the mid 70s at pools like the Gonzales Pool as part of the Dog Town and Z Boys collectives and sparked the fire. From there the popularity grew and made to skate pools started showing up in skateparks. It wasn't long from there that the first competition was held and Salba won that and the age of the modern professional skater was born. The next generation of skaters such as Christian Hosoi, Pat Ngoho, Steve Caballero, Tony Hawk, Chris Miller and Lance Mountain took that influence on into the 80s and inspired succesive generations to get us to now and right now IS the golden age of skateboarding. All you have to do is witness the skating of Pedro Barros, Alex Sorgente, Danny Leon and Chris Russell to see how things have progressed but still embrace the heritage of fast, new, gnarly and most of all fun that this type of skating has always been about. Bowl and pool skating is fun and that is why we're here.  

BOWLZILLA™ has many parts that mix together for one amazing spectacular. It is a festival with amazing international talent combined with the best bowl scenes in the world and has music, art and parties and everyone is invited. It will be launching onto the international scene with the throb of the bass bin, roar of the crowds and scream of trucks.

There is a fantastic network in place to enable BOWLZILLA™, which is about skaters supporting skaters, which is why we work with groups who share the same goals such as; ASF – Australian Skateboard Federation, ISU – International Skateboarder’s Union and ISF – International Skateboard Federation. As skateboarding grows and matures it is important that it is represented and supported by skaters supporting skaters, to ensure that our future is owned and decided by us.

The team putting on the festival have developed and staged some of the most iconic skateboard competitions in the world along with music and art that is our culture. With all their history, these new festivals will be the funnest scene in town. The festivals will grow year on year to become destination events.

We're here to skate, promote and support our friends and invite everyone along for the celebration!

Posted on July 28, 2015 .